15. Al-Hijr - The Rocky Tract

1Alif-Lam-Ra; these are verses of the Book and the bright Qur’an.
2The disbelievers will ardently wish that if only they had been Muslims! (At the time of death / in their graves / on the Day of Resurrection.)
3Leave them to eat and enjoy, and for aspiration to involve them in play – so they will shortly come to know.
4And every dwelling that We destroyed, had a known decree for it.
5No group may advance its appointed promise nor postpone it.
6And they said, “O you upon whom the Qur’an has been sent, you are indeed insane.”
7“Why do you not bring angels to us, if you are truthful?”
8We do not send down angels without reason, and if the angels descend they would not get any respite!
9Indeed We have sent down the Qur’an, and indeed We Ourselves surely are its Guardians. (This is one of the miracles of the Qur’an – no one has been able to change even one letter of its text, despite every effort. It has remained in its original form since the 6th Century (A. D) and will remain so forever. Other Holy Books such as the Torah and the Bible have lost their originality.)
10And indeed We sent Noble Messengers before you, to the former nations.
11And never does a Noble Messenger come to them, but they mock at him.
12This is how We make the mocking* enter the hearts of the guilty. (* The acts of disbelief.)
13They do not believe in him, and the tradition of earlier nations has passed.
14And if We open for them a gate in the heavens, to ascend it through the day –
15Even then they would say, “Our sights have been hypnotised – in fact, a magic spell has been cast upon us.”
16And indeed We created towers in the skies, and beautified it for the beholders.
17And We have kept it guarded from every outcast devil.
18Except one who comes to eavesdrop – therefore a bright flame goes after him.
19And We spread out the earth, and placed mountains as anchors in it, and in it grew all things by a proper measure.
20And created livelihoods for you in it, and created those for whom you do not provide the sustenance.
21And there is not a thing the treasure* of which is not with Us; and We do not send it down except by a known measure. (* The power to create it.)
22And We sent the winds that relieve the clouds’ burden, therefore caused water to descend from the sky, then give it to you to drink; and you are not at all its treasurers.
23And indeed it is We Who give life and it is We Who cause death, and We are the Inheritors.
24And indeed We know those among you who came forward and indeed We know those among you who remained behind.
25Indeed your Lord only will raise them all on the Day of Resurrection; indeed only He is Wise, All Knowing.
26Indeed We created man from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.
27And created the jinn before him, from smokeless fire.
28And recall when your Lord said to the angels, “I will create man from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.”
29“Therefore when I have properly fashioned him and breathed into him a chosen noble soul from Myself, fall down before him in prostration.”
30Therefore all the angels, each and every one of them, fell prostrate.
31Except Iblis (Satan); he refused to be among those who prostrated.
32Said Allah, “O Iblis! What happened to you that you stayed apart from those who prostrated?”
33He answered, “It does not befit me to prostrate myself to a human whom You have created from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.”
34Said Allah, “Therefore exit from Paradise, for you are an outcast.”
35“And indeed you are accursed till the Day of Judgement.”
36He said, “My Lord! Grant me respite till the day when they will all be raised.”
37Said Allah, “You are of those given respite.”
38“Till the Day of a well-known time.”
39He said, “My Lord! I swear by the fact that You sent me astray, I shall distract them in the earth, and I shall lead all of them astray.”
40“Except those among them who are Your chosen bondmen.”
41Said Allah, “This path* leads straight towards Me.” (* The path of the chosen bondmen.)
42“Indeed you do not have any power over My bondmen, except those wanderers who follow you.” (The devil is unsuccessful in tempting Allah’s chosen bondmen to commit sin.)
43And indeed hell is the promise for all of them.
44It has seven gates; for each gate is a portion assigned from them.
45Indeed the pious are amidst Gardens and springs.
46“Enter them with peace, in safety.”
47And We have removed any resentments which were in their breasts – they are brothers, sitting face to face on thrones.
48Neither any hardship is to reach them in it, nor are they to be expelled from it.
49Inform My bondmen that undoubtedly, I surely am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
50And that indeed the punishment of Mine is a painful punishment.
51And inform them of Ibrahim’s guests.
52When the angels came to him and said, “Peace"; he said, “We feel afraid of you.”
53They said, “Do not fear – we convey to you the glad tidings of a knowledgeable boy.”
54He said, “Do you convey to me the glad tidings upon old age reaching me? So upon what do you convey glad tidings?” (* Prophet Ibrahim said this out of surprise.)
55They said, “We have given you true tidings, therefore do not lose hope.”
56He said, “Who is it that despairs from the mercy of his Lord, except those who are astray?”
57He said, “And what is your next task, O the sent angels?”
58They said, “We have been sent towards a guilty nation.”
59“Except the family of Lut; we shall rescue all of them.”
60“Except his wife – we have decided that she is of those who will stay behind.”
61And when the sent angels came to the house of Lut.
62He said, “You are an unfamiliar people.”
63They said, “In fact we have brought to you the matter which these people doubted.”
64“And we have brought to you a true command, and indeed we are truthful.”
65“Therefore journey with your household while a portion of the night remains, and you tread behind them – and none of you may turn around and see, and proceed directly to the place you are commanded to.”
66And We informed him the decision of this command, that at morning the root of the disbelievers would be cut off.
67And the people of the city came rejoicing. (* To the house of Prophet Lut.)
68He said, “These are my guests – do not dishonour me.”
69“And fear Allah and do not disgrace me.”
70They said, “Had we not forbidden you from meddling in the affairs of anyone?”
71He said, “These women of our tribe are my daughters, if you have to.”
72By your life O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) – they are indeed straying in their intoxication.
73Therefore the scream overcame them at sunrise.
74And We turned the township upside down and rained upon them stones of heated clay.
75Indeed in this are signs for people who perceive.
76And indeed that township is upon a road still in use.
77Indeed in this are signs for the believers.
78And indeed the Dwellers of the Woods were unjust.
79We therefore took revenge from them; and indeed both these townships are situated on an open road.
80And the people of the Hijr (rocks) denied the Noble Messengers.
81And We gave them Our signs, and they remained averse to them.
82And they used to carve dwellings in the hills, without fear.
83So the scream overcame them at morning.
84Therefore their earnings did not in the least benefit them.
85And We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, except with the Truth; and indeed the Last Day will come, therefore (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), forbear graciously.
86Indeed your Lord only is the Great Creator, the All Knowing.
87And indeed We have given you seven verses that are repeated, and the great Qur’an.
88Do not direct your eyes towards the things We have given to some of their couples to enjoy, and do not at all grieve because of them, and take the Muslims within the folds of your mercy.
89And proclaim, “Indeed I, yes I, am the clear Herald of Warning.”
90(Of a punishment) Like the one We sent down upon the dividers.
91Those who broke the Word of Allah into several parts. (Those who broke the Torah / Bible or changed its text – or those who called the Qur’an a fabrication / poetry.)
92Therefore, by your Lord, We shall question every one of them.
93About all what they used to do.
94Therefore publicly announce what you are commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.
95Indeed We suffice you against these mockers.
96Those who ascribe another God along with Allah; so they will soon come to know.
97And indeed We know that you are disheartened by their speech.
98Therefore proclaim the Purity of your Lord with praise, and be of those who prostrate.
99And keep worshipping your Lord, till death* comes to you. (* The certainty.)